The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
มือปราบผีที่มีชื่อเสียงทั่วโลกในขณะนี้อยู่ที่ประเทศไทยและมีประสบการณ์ ผมสามารถขับไล่ผีออกไป! ทำให้คุณปราศจากผี... อัตราพิเศษสำหรับคนไทย! วิธีการชำระเงิน PAY- PALหรือชำระเงินด้วยบัตรเครดิต MSN Skype,OOVOO.
Σάββατο 14 Μαΐου 2011
Τετάρτη 11 Μαΐου 2011
Κυριακή 1 Μαΐου 2011
the big Ghost buster at Athens Greece.
Τετάρτη 13 Απριλίου 2011
Thais and Fortune Telling
Thais and Fortune Telling
Siripun Sinbuathong 07.12.2010 23:18
As a result, religion has become a mixture of philosophical, mythical and supernatural elements, all of which deeply influence one's way of life. Just as some people go to see the doctors to treat their physical ailments, some Thais go to fortune tellers or as Thais call them Mhor Doo, the all seeing doctor to cure their spiritual ills and prevent future maladies.
Fortune tellers are engaged to give auspicious names to a baby according to his exact birth calculations. Weddings, investments, travel, car purchases, building construction, traveling and other significant decisions in life, are all directed by the fortune teller. There are many forms of fortune telling: palm reading, star charts, playing cards, physical features, spirit mediums and high - tech computerized fortune - telling.
Fortune tellers can be found in many places; the markets, the temples, beach road and also at the fortune-tellers home.
ManyThais in Pattaya have been known to visit the fortune teller along Jomtien Beach Road Soi 11 and another at Pattaya Beach Road Soi 6. There is a famous fortune teller in Naklua who can tell you your future for just 199 baht. Some fortune tellers accept money while some just want flowers or other donations for the temple.
Δευτέρα 11 Απριλίου 2011
"Hamlet and his father's ghost" by Henry Fuseli (1780s drawing). The ghost is wearing stylized plate armour in 17th century style, including a morion type helmet and tassets. Depicting ghosts as wearing armour, to suggest a sense of antiquity, was common in Elizabethan theater.
European Middle Ages
European Middle Ages
Ghosts reported in medieval Europe tended to fall into two categories: the souls of the dead, or demons. The souls of the dead returned for a specific purpose. Demonic ghosts existed only to torment or tempt the living. The living could tell them apart by demanding their purpose in the name of Jesus Christ. The soul of a dead person divulged their mission, while a demonic ghost was banished at the sound of the Holy Name.[47]Most ghosts were souls assigned to Purgatory, condemned for a specific period to atone for their transgressions in life. Their penance was generally related to their sin. For example, the ghost of a man who had been abusive to his servants was condemned to tear off and swallow bits of his own tongue; the ghost of another man, who had neglected to leave his cloak to the poor, was condemned to wear the cloak, now "heavy as a church tower." These ghosts appeared to the living to ask for prayers to end their suffering. Other dead souls returned to urge the living to confess their sins before their own deaths.[48]
Medieval European ghosts were more substantial than ghosts described in the Victorian age, and there are accounts of ghosts being wrestled with and physically restrained until a priest could arrive to hear its confession. Some were less solid, and could move through walls. Often they were described as paler and sadder versions of the person they had been while alive, and dressed in tattered gray rags. The vast majority of reported sightings were male.[49]
There were some reported cases of ghostly armies, fighting battles at night in the forest, or in the remains of an Iron Age hillfort, as at Wandlebury, near Cambridge, England. Living knights were sometimes challenged to single combat by phantom knights, which vanished when defeated.[50]
From the medieval period an apparition of a ghost is recorded from 1211, at the time of the Albigensian Crusade.[51] Gervase of Tilbury, Marshal of Arles, wrote that the image of Guilhem, a boy recently murdered in the forest, appeared in his cousin's home in Beaucaire, near Avignon. This series of "visits" lasted all of the summer. Through his cousin, who spoke for him, the boy allegedly held conversations with anyone who wished, until the local priest requested to speak to the boy directly, leading to an extended disquisition on theology. The boy narrated the trauma of death and the unhappiness of his fellow souls in Purgatory, and reported that God was most pleased with the ongoing Crusade against the Cathar heretics, launched three years earlier. The time of the Albigensian Crusade in southern France was marked by intense and prolonged warfare, this constant bloodshed and dislocation of populations being the context for these reported visits by the murdered boy.
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
The ancient Romans believed a ghost could be used to exact revenge on an enemy by scratching a curse on a piece of lead or pottery and placing it into a grave.[41]Plutarch, in the 1st century AD, described the haunting of the baths at Chaeronea by the ghost of a murdered man. The ghost’s loud and frightful groans caused the people of the town to seal up the doors of the building.[42] Another celebrated account of a haunted house from the ancient classical world is given by Pliny the Younger (c. 50 AD).[43] Pliny describes the haunting of a house in Athens by a ghost bound in chains. The hauntings ceased when the ghost's shackled skeleton was unearthed, and given a proper reburial.[44] The writers Plautus and Lucian also wrote stories about haunted houses.
One of the first persons to express disbelief in ghosts was Lucian of Samosata in the 2nd century AD. In his tale "The Doubter" (circa 150 AD) he relates how Democritus "the learned man from Abdera in Thrace" lived in a tomb outside the city gates to prove that cemeteries were not haunted by the spirits of the departed. Lucian relates how he persisted in his disbelief despite practical jokes perpetrated by "some young men of Abdera" who dressed up in black robes with skull masks to frighten him.[45] This account by Lucian notes something about the popular classical expectation of how a ghost should look.
In the 5th century AD, the Christian priest Constantius of Lyon recorded an instance of the recurring theme of the improperly buried dead who come back to haunt the living, and who can only cease their haunting when their bones have been discovered and properly reburied.
Classical Greece
Classical Greece
Ghosts appeared in Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, in which they were described as vanishing "as a vapor, gibbering and whining into the earth." Homer’s ghosts had little interaction with the world of the living. Periodically they were called upon to provide advice or prophecy, but they do not appear to be particularly feared. Ghosts in the classical world often appeared in the form of vapor or smoke, but at other times they were described as being substantial, appearing as they had been at the time of death, complete with the wounds that killed them.[39]By the 5th century BC, classical Greek ghosts had become haunting, frightening creatures who could work to either good or evil purposes. The spirit of the dead was believed to hover near the resting place of the corpse, and cemeteries were places the living avoided. The dead were to be ritually mourned through public ceremony, sacrifice and libations, or they might return to haunt their families. The ancient Greeks held annual feasts to honor and placate the spirits of the dead, to which the family ghosts were invited, and after which they were “firmly invited to leave until the same time next year”.[40]
The 5th century BC play Oresteia contains one of the first ghosts to appear in a work of fiction.
Σάββατο 9 Απριλίου 2011
The World famous Ghost buster.
Learn about
Learn about how your pastlife experiences are affecting you this lifetime. To know the answer, Contact, The World famous Ghost buster. 100% Success.
Who were you in your last past life?
Who were you in your last past life? To know the answer,
Πέμπτη 7 Απριλίου 2011
Ghost Caught on Video (HD)
The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
Giant Thai Ghost Caught On Mobile Phone
The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
Real Thai Ghost at party
The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
Τετάρτη 6 Απριλίου 2011
Learn about
Learn about how your pastlife experiences are affecting you this lifetime. To know the answer, Contact, The World famous Ghost buster. 100% Success.
Who were you
Who were you in your last past life? To know the answer,
100% Success
The Buddhists have a chant
The Buddhists have a chant or prayer asking one be forgiven for all past life deeds that were harmful or destructive and to be released from the effects that these deeds have caused. Yet, they don't focus on past life therapy as a means of healing. I think, though, that the intention to heal the past through asking for forgiveness is something that we can all incorporate in our daily lives, even though we may not remember any of our actions from past lives. Having this kind of intention is beneficial as we can also apply it to letting go - forgiving ourselves, and forgiving others more easily in our present lives. When we forgive and let go, we feel much more expansive and compassionate, and we have more available attention to be directly present in the moment. Our minds become more calm and stable, which allows for more contentment, and for deeper meditative states.
Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!
The Mayans
That Halloween was the creepiest I had ever experienced with the black bat and the Ouija Board. I have never had any desire to play with another one since, and raising my own four children I would never allow them to play with such a dangerous tool letting something happen to them like it to did to us that Spooky Halloween. There were many sleepless night in that house after that occurrence.
The Bermuda Triangle ~ Added 07/12/2008
The Bermuda Triangle is inexorably associated with time travel, UFOs, missing time and wormholes. Christopher Columbus wrote in his memoirs on how his compass acted strangely while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. He also witnessed along with another shipmate a glowing globe of light that seemed to hover over the sea. Did Columbus and his shipmate witness a UFO in the Bermuda Triangle in the year of 1492? Did the UFO help Columbus find land?
Tree Ghosts of Vietnam ~ Added 07/09/2008
With all of the tragedies of Vietnam, I believe there are many, many ghosts. I will never forget as I walked the Bridge of River Kwai in Thailand. I could feel the pain and suffering that once befell this tragic area. I didn't have to be psychic to feel the deep negativity. So when Thuy Phan tells me that there are ghosts in Vietnam. I have to believe her.
The Offer From Satan ~ Added 06/22/2008
I believe that Satan chooses to come to people with his offers when people are children because of our lack of experience and how naive we are to everything. He was trying to offer me what ever he could think of by using my desires and reading it off of my thoughts and subconscious for the exchange of my SOUL!
I See Dead People: The Renee Christine Martine Story ~ Added 06/21/2008
This true story falls into the 'I See Dead People' category, because Renee is a sensitive. She is a magnet to the spiritual realm and a beacon that summons the departed to her physical being. Her great grandmother was a black witch and dabbled in black magic. She was well known through the Wiccan community.
A Study on Reincarnation ~ Added 06/17/2008
There have been many case studies in which people are attracted to Civil War reenactments or renaissance fairs because they feel they are old souls. John Richter partakes in all Civil War reenactments because he feels he was once a Confederate soldier. He knows intimate details of one Confederate soldier's life and when he confronts the family with the information, they are astonished, because the knowledge that he has about this Confederate soldier is accurate. His claim is that he was that Confederate soldier and during the Civil War, he died on the battlefield.
I Was a Teenage Chupacabra ~ Added 06/14/2008
Sometimes my interviews and investigations can fall into the category of 'X-Files' On June 13, 2008, Friday, I was headed out to interview two people with very bizarre claims. I get all of the weird and bizarre assignments.
Was This Ghost Trying To Get My Attention? ~ Added 04/21/2008
I have a story that happened to me when I was about 10 maybe 9 years old. It was the first ghost experience that ever happened to me that I could remember.
Ghost in the Rocking Chair ~ Added 04/12/2008
Is it possible for an old rocking chair to be possessed or perhaps used by a ghost? Here is the true experience of one of our readers with an old rocking chair that haunted her for years.
Paranormal Enounters In My Life From Age Three and Up ~ Added 04/02/2008
Here is an overview of the paranormal encounters I have had since I was three years old. I am no longer bothered and that most ghosts fear me now days. I go to church so now days I believe all ghosts are demons.
Terrifying Ghostly Encounter In Arizona ~ Added 03/31/2008
... My heart started racing. We both knew what was happening now and we had refused to believe it before. This was the ghost that haunted this part of the mountain side...
My Hell In A Haunted House ~ Added 03/31/2008
My mom and I just bought a house that had been around since the late 1800's, she insisted on moving in, but something about the house just put a shiver down my spine. Here is my story of the hell I went through in this haunted house.
The Fawn Hoof Mummy - Egyptian Influence In Ancient America? ~ Added 03/31/2008
The Fawn Hoof Mummy, discovered in Kentucky's Mammoth Cave, was prepared and embalmed in much the same way as used by the ancient Egyptians. Where did the ancients in America get this knowledge? Did the Egyptians have contact with early inhabitants of America?
The Eight Horsemen of 2012 (The Apocalypse) ~ Added 03/29/2008
The Mayans were an intelligent civilization that had advanced writing, knew mathematics and were well versed in astronomy. Most people think that perhaps the world will end in 2012, because this is the prophesy of the Mayans. The Mayans made this prediction 2000 years ago and the dire date of doom is December 21, 2012.
That Halloween was the creepiest I had ever experienced with the black bat and the Ouija Board. I have never had any desire to play with another one since, and raising my own four children I would never allow them to play with such a dangerous tool letting something happen to them like it to did to us that Spooky Halloween. There were many sleepless night in that house after that occurrence.
The Bermuda Triangle ~ Added 07/12/2008
The Bermuda Triangle is inexorably associated with time travel, UFOs, missing time and wormholes. Christopher Columbus wrote in his memoirs on how his compass acted strangely while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. He also witnessed along with another shipmate a glowing globe of light that seemed to hover over the sea. Did Columbus and his shipmate witness a UFO in the Bermuda Triangle in the year of 1492? Did the UFO help Columbus find land?
Tree Ghosts of Vietnam ~ Added 07/09/2008
With all of the tragedies of Vietnam, I believe there are many, many ghosts. I will never forget as I walked the Bridge of River Kwai in Thailand. I could feel the pain and suffering that once befell this tragic area. I didn't have to be psychic to feel the deep negativity. So when Thuy Phan tells me that there are ghosts in Vietnam. I have to believe her.
The Offer From Satan ~ Added 06/22/2008
I believe that Satan chooses to come to people with his offers when people are children because of our lack of experience and how naive we are to everything. He was trying to offer me what ever he could think of by using my desires and reading it off of my thoughts and subconscious for the exchange of my SOUL!
I See Dead People: The Renee Christine Martine Story ~ Added 06/21/2008
This true story falls into the 'I See Dead People' category, because Renee is a sensitive. She is a magnet to the spiritual realm and a beacon that summons the departed to her physical being. Her great grandmother was a black witch and dabbled in black magic. She was well known through the Wiccan community.
A Study on Reincarnation ~ Added 06/17/2008
There have been many case studies in which people are attracted to Civil War reenactments or renaissance fairs because they feel they are old souls. John Richter partakes in all Civil War reenactments because he feels he was once a Confederate soldier. He knows intimate details of one Confederate soldier's life and when he confronts the family with the information, they are astonished, because the knowledge that he has about this Confederate soldier is accurate. His claim is that he was that Confederate soldier and during the Civil War, he died on the battlefield.
I Was a Teenage Chupacabra ~ Added 06/14/2008
Sometimes my interviews and investigations can fall into the category of 'X-Files' On June 13, 2008, Friday, I was headed out to interview two people with very bizarre claims. I get all of the weird and bizarre assignments.
Was This Ghost Trying To Get My Attention? ~ Added 04/21/2008
I have a story that happened to me when I was about 10 maybe 9 years old. It was the first ghost experience that ever happened to me that I could remember.
Ghost in the Rocking Chair ~ Added 04/12/2008
Is it possible for an old rocking chair to be possessed or perhaps used by a ghost? Here is the true experience of one of our readers with an old rocking chair that haunted her for years.
Paranormal Enounters In My Life From Age Three and Up ~ Added 04/02/2008
Here is an overview of the paranormal encounters I have had since I was three years old. I am no longer bothered and that most ghosts fear me now days. I go to church so now days I believe all ghosts are demons.
Terrifying Ghostly Encounter In Arizona ~ Added 03/31/2008
... My heart started racing. We both knew what was happening now and we had refused to believe it before. This was the ghost that haunted this part of the mountain side...
My Hell In A Haunted House ~ Added 03/31/2008
My mom and I just bought a house that had been around since the late 1800's, she insisted on moving in, but something about the house just put a shiver down my spine. Here is my story of the hell I went through in this haunted house.
The Fawn Hoof Mummy - Egyptian Influence In Ancient America? ~ Added 03/31/2008
The Fawn Hoof Mummy, discovered in Kentucky's Mammoth Cave, was prepared and embalmed in much the same way as used by the ancient Egyptians. Where did the ancients in America get this knowledge? Did the Egyptians have contact with early inhabitants of America?
The Eight Horsemen of 2012 (The Apocalypse) ~ Added 03/29/2008
The Mayans were an intelligent civilization that had advanced writing, knew mathematics and were well versed in astronomy. Most people think that perhaps the world will end in 2012, because this is the prophesy of the Mayans. The Mayans made this prediction 2000 years ago and the dire date of doom is December 21, 2012.
Dangerous Ouija Board Spirits ~ Added 05/19/2009
That Halloween was the creepiest I had ever experienced with the black bat and the Ouija Board. I have never had any desire to play with another one since, and raising my own four children I would never allow them to play with such a dangerous tool letting something happen to them like it to did to us that Spooky Halloween. There were many sleepless night in that house after that occurrence. The Bermuda Triangle ~ Added 07/12/2008
The Bermuda Triangle is inexorably associated with time travel, UFOs, missing time and wormholes. Christopher Columbus wrote in his memoirs on how his compass acted strangely while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. He also witnessed along with another shipmate a glowing globe of light that seemed to hover over the sea. Did Columbus and his shipmate witness a UFO in the Bermuda Triangle in the year of 1492? Did the UFO help Columbus find land?
Tree Ghosts of Vietnam ~ Added 07/09/2008
With all of the tragedies of Vietnam, I believe there are many, many ghosts. I will never forget as I walked the Bridge of River Kwai in Thailand. I could feel the pain and suffering that once befell this tragic area. I didn't have to be psychic to feel the deep negativity. So when Thuy Phan tells me that there are ghosts in Vietnam. I have to believe her.
The Offer From Satan ~ Added 06/22/2008
I believe that Satan chooses to come to people with his offers when people are children because of our lack of experience and how naive we are to everything. He was trying to offer me what ever he could think of by using my desires and reading it off of my thoughts and subconscious for the exchange of my SOUL!
I See Dead People: The Renee Christine Martine Story ~ Added 06/21/2008
This true story falls into the 'I See Dead People' category, because Renee is a sensitive. She is a magnet to the spiritual realm and a beacon that summons the departed to her physical being. Her great grandmother was a black witch and dabbled in black magic. She was well known through the Wiccan community.
That Halloween was the creepiest I had ever experienced with the black bat and the Ouija Board. I have never had any desire to play with another one since, and raising my own four children I would never allow them to play with such a dangerous tool letting something happen to them like it to did to us that Spooky Halloween. There were many sleepless night in that house after that occurrence. The Bermuda Triangle ~ Added 07/12/2008
The Bermuda Triangle is inexorably associated with time travel, UFOs, missing time and wormholes. Christopher Columbus wrote in his memoirs on how his compass acted strangely while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle. He also witnessed along with another shipmate a glowing globe of light that seemed to hover over the sea. Did Columbus and his shipmate witness a UFO in the Bermuda Triangle in the year of 1492? Did the UFO help Columbus find land?
Tree Ghosts of Vietnam ~ Added 07/09/2008
With all of the tragedies of Vietnam, I believe there are many, many ghosts. I will never forget as I walked the Bridge of River Kwai in Thailand. I could feel the pain and suffering that once befell this tragic area. I didn't have to be psychic to feel the deep negativity. So when Thuy Phan tells me that there are ghosts in Vietnam. I have to believe her.
The Offer From Satan ~ Added 06/22/2008
I believe that Satan chooses to come to people with his offers when people are children because of our lack of experience and how naive we are to everything. He was trying to offer me what ever he could think of by using my desires and reading it off of my thoughts and subconscious for the exchange of my SOUL!
I See Dead People: The Renee Christine Martine Story ~ Added 06/21/2008
This true story falls into the 'I See Dead People' category, because Renee is a sensitive. She is a magnet to the spiritual realm and a beacon that summons the departed to her physical being. Her great grandmother was a black witch and dabbled in black magic. She was well known through the Wiccan community.
Real ghost video
The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
REAL ghost girl caught on video tape 2 (paranormal activity)
The World famous Ghost buster now at Thailand.
With years of experience I drive away the ghosts! Frees you from the ghosts. Special rates for people from Thailand! Payments accepted by PAY-PAL, Or Pay with Credit Card. MSN, SKYPE, OOVOO.
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